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The Spanish Constitution, in its article 43,3, consecrates as governing principle in the performance of the powers public the promotion of the physical education and the sport and to facilitate the suitable use of the leisure. In total conformity with this constitutional mandate, public attributes itself to the ample powers attributions to impel, to promote and to spread to the Physical Culture and Deporte.

Like recognition and stimulus to those who of actually sport eminent form, in the education of the physical education or in the direction, promotion and development of the physical education and the sport, like essential factors in the formation and integral development of the person, he considers himself advisable to institute the Real Order of the Sport Merit.

His Majesty the King of Spain in agreement with the article 5º.3 of Real Decree 1523/1982, of 18 of June, by that the Real Order of the Sport Merit is created, granted to Mr. D. Carlos Márquez Prats through the President of the Superior Council of Deportes, the entrance in this Real Order in the category of silver medal, and processing of se6noría.



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