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- 01.05.2002

When we have finished the season of entrenos, by the fall of the fifth pen, begins the dumb one.

The dumb one is most important for the doves, is many theories and systems, on the flight, meals, treatments, etc, at this time, I will explain the system that I create but suitable for pichones of 6 months, that is not the same one that stops the adult doves.

In the first place we have to consider that we treated, with adolescents, who nonsingle must renew their plumage, but that in addition is in the heat of growth, reason why the treatment must be the adapted one to its state.

Flight: to fly without forcing them, that is to put them in freedom, one hour to the day.
Bath: Twice to a the week, without potingues,
Treatments: Before beginning the dumb one, taking excrements to the laboratory and according to results of acting. If it is not possible, to treat Worms, Coccidiosis and Trichomaniosis.
Food: 35% Leguminosas, Oily 15%, 20% Wheat 10% Dari or Sorgo and 20% Maize, Without Rationing

To prepare a 25% mixture Oil Codfish, 25% Linen Oil 25 % Oil of Sunflower and 25 % Maize Oil, and to give them to two days to the week 1 sopera spoonful by 30 doves, mixed with total vitamins and amino acids.

In the water: An Acid day Ascórbico (it guarantees to finish with the resfriados ones of autumn) 2 grams by liter and another Probióticos day with honey.

During the dumb course of, the doves that have arrived delayed, with blows, catched a cold, ill etc, to retire them of the equipment, they do not serve already we have the others.

When the doves throw the seventh pen we must separate them and already form two teams of 32 males and 32 females, and place the females in the place worse oriented and the males in the other and hermetically to close the central pigeon house, that no longer exists for the doves.

We will have taken had note from the position that the males have occupied in the nidales as well as the possible matings.

As of this moment the doves must fly separated and to different hours, the ideal is in the morning the males and in the evening the females. If it is not possible and the females are due to fly in the morning, single they must at night receive a ration of 5 grams by dove and the rest. They do not have never to be seen, for it we will close the blind of while you fly the others.

They do not have to be oir, to install one RADIO IN ELPALOMAR and THAT WORKS DAY and NIGHT.

If when next being the end of the dumb one or by warm temperatures, the females begin to prepare among them, after the matinal flight, meals and drinks, to close them all the day in the wall-plate or gavial, while it does not rain, all the day locked up.

We arrived at the end of the dumb one, with three possibilities of forming equipment:
1º Equipment 16 males with 16 females.
2º Equipment 16 males with 32 females.
3º Equipment 32 males with 32 females.

When arriving at this point we must decide. All is flown doves, selected, healthy and on which we have we will form, the equipment,

- the dumb one I finish, we must give to the doves a REST, minimum of a month, with light food: 10% leguminosa Oily 10% 20% Barley 20% Rice with rind, 20% Wheat, 10% Dari and 10% Maize. WITHOUT RATIONING

Little flight two or three days to the week and its air, agrees to us fatten a little.
A day to the week: Ascórbico Acid
A day to the week: Probióticos
A day to the week: Hepáticos

Either we passed the REST, our pichoncitos or are Jo'venes or Yerlings and we must begin them to prepare, its future race this next one and must take advantage of our equipment, for that reason we must play Male and Females without discrimination and begins the game.

Greetings Carlos Márquez



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