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- 26.03.2002

In some paises, colombofilia this considered as a sport, Spain, Portugal, Mexico, Cuba, Saudi Arabia, Trinidad Tobago, China, and this in transacts in others.

Naturally these paises are governed by Laws of Deporte, concretely in Spain, of the same ones that estan had the charge of by the Superior Comsejo of Sports.

What in many Paises they are Independent Associations, in these they estan prevailed by Decrees, that are facilmente to the Futbol, ETC Athletics, but difficult in the Colombofilia.

In these Paises, National Championships, and Glasses of the King or similars just as in the other sports exist and naturally there are many colombofilos that aspire to gain them and to encumbrar themselves to but the high thing in sport plan, not concerning neither the bets nor the money, but the pure participation to them as a sport amateur but.

These colombofilos, metodicamente take care of and prepare their doves all the year, a concrete aim TO GAIN the NACIONALES, accustom to being 20% of the total in their Clubs and Region and are unbeatable in their Clubs respective, seeding I discourage between demas veteran, not as much between the neofitos then, in the beginning, they admire them and they are his idolos.

If fueramos intelligent, they do not deberian to exist in these paises Clubs, only for them, where all competed at but the high level with the consequent equality?.

This serious fabulous and conseguiriamos but equality, an a his the Nationals and the others without as much ambition to amuse itself among them and in equality of conditions.

As I see you to it the story
Carlos Marquez Prats



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